Madame Bruttipedi (Bibliotherapist)

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Madame Bruttipedi 

Buy your bibliotherapy prescription and help support Power Cut!

Head shot of vintage pin up girl

Madame Bruttipedi is our amazing and erudite resident bibliotherapist. When she decided to leave the glamourous world of burlesque and retrain as a bibliotherapist, she was much sought after by many of the top magazines. She could have had a column in The New Yorker or Vogue, but she chose to work with Power Cut!  Madame makes her debut appearance in Issue 1 where we discover her intriguing backstory and learn how she came to be a bibliotherapist and foot dominatrix.


What is a bibliotherapist?

Bibliotherapy, or book therapy, simply means using books to help people address issues that may be affecting them at any given time. This is done by selecting reading material relevant to their problem or situation. Madame is an avid reader with an incredible memory, which allows her to identify the most appropriate titles to help you with your quandaries and dilemmas.

“A doctor is advertised by the bodies he cures. My business is advertised by the minds I stimulate. And let me tell you that the book business is different from other trades. People don’t know they want books. I can see just by looking at you that your mind is ill for lack of books but you are blissfully unaware of it!”
― Christopher Morley, The Haunted Bookshop


How Does it Work?

Do you have a broken heart? Did your dog just die? Are you stuck in a dead-end job with a loser boss? Maybe you have a lifelong desire to canoe up the Mississippi but you’ve never left Croydon – you need some inspiration! Perhaps you’re bored of airport shop paperbacks and would like a travel prescription for a more personalised holiday read? Madame Bruttipedi can help with a bespoke reading prescription guaranteed to delight, amuse, and surprise you. Madame’s prescriptions will be either novels or pieces of poetry that resonate with the crazy, bugged-out wormhole you call life.


Ready to be Brutti-fied?

Order your Madame Bruttipedi bibliotherapy prescription here

Once your order is confirmed, Madame will email you to confirm your name (for your certificate) and invite you to email her with your dilemma. Then simply reply with a brief outline of your woes and tribulations. Madame prefers funny to sad, so the more humorous your dilemma, the better. After careful consideration, she will send your bespoke prescription. You will also receive a Madame Bruttipedi e-certificate that you can download or print at home. Please indicate in your email if you would like your dilemma to feature in the next issue of Power Cut. We will chose one dilemma per issue.



(Disclaimer: Madame Bruttipedi is a fictional character and not to be used for therapeutic purposes. The bibliotherapy prescriptions are merely intended as a light-hearted way to generate funds for the magazine. Please do not purchase if you require professional support or advice).