
A literary magazine for all analogue lovers who want to write like it’s 1978

Why write like it’s 1978? Here at Power Cut, we are so last century. We like landlines and record players, secondhand dog-eared books and small TVs you can’t talk to. We want to return to the freedom and creativity of a time before endless doomscrolling, filters and social surveillance. We also want you to read like it’s 1978! We believe the cultural landscape was richer and more open to taking risks before the advent of smartphones and social media. In our minute way, we want to promote this ethos by  featuring work that embodies or explores a particular decade or movement. While your work doesn’t necessarily need to be set in the 20th century, we want work that gets it and glories in the 20th century vibe.

One of the most misunderstood pieces of advice a writer can be given is write what you know. At Power Cut, we believe that writing what you know means coming from a place of truth and authenticity in your work, regardless of setting or character. It is not the churning out of carbon copy characters based on your life (although that can be compelling!). A better way to describe it is to know what you write.

By taking yourself out of your own place and time, you have a blank page to tell stories that are imbued with metaphor and symbolism, making them more powerful and provocative. You may write like it’s 1978 or 1999, we don’t care, as long as you write authentically.

Kristina Stevens – Editor

Kristina Stevens - Editor

Kristina is a querying author. Her first novel is set in 1980s working-class Glasgow and is steadily gaining in rejection letters. She is now cursing her way through her second manuscript. When looking for inspiration for her current work-in-progress, she quickly realised that, artistically, she wasn’t drawn to writing about contemporary society. Both her novels are strongly influenced by youth countercultures, which led to the idea for Power Cut. Kristina believes there is a need to revisit the work of the misfits and mavericks of previous decades and learn from them. We live in an increasingly virtual and homogenous world, and Power Cut is a printed magazine that strives to be the antithesis of this. Find out more about the inspiration behind Power Cut.

If you are interested in stocking Power Cut or would like to feature as a guest writer, please get in touch.

“Never wear a uniform, including clothes bought at the generic punk boutique.”

– Jello Biafra