A literary magazine for all analogue lovers who want to write like it’s 1978
Why write like it’s 1978? Here at Power Cut, we are so last century. We like landlines and record players, secondhand dog-eared books and small TVs you can’t talk to. We want to return to the freedom and creativity of a time before endless doomscrolling, filters and social surveillance. We also want you to read like it’s 1978! We believe the cultural landscape was richer and more open to taking risks before the advent of smartphones and social media.
It aims to create a community of artists and readers that are hog-wild for the spirit and style of those freakishly unique decades. We love everything from the hardboiled crime novels of Jim Thompson, the art of Barbara Kruger and Judy Chicago, to the creative powerhouse that is Billy Childish. Give us the raw spontaneity of early punk rock combined with the storytelling genius of Kurt Vonnegut!
Find out more about the inspiration behind Power Cut.
Kristina Stevens – Editor

Kristina is a querying author. Her first novel is set in 1980s working-class Glasgow and is steadily gaining in rejection letters. She is now cursing her way through her second manuscript.
If you are interested in stocking Power Cut or would like to feature as a guest writer, please get in touch.
“Never wear a uniform, including clothes bought at the generic punk boutique.”
– Jello Biafra