Delve into the seedy badlands of 20th century pop culture. A literary magazine with a sensational vintage aesthetic (always print).
Power Cut is an innovative new bi-annual literary magazine dedicated to fiction and art inspired by pop culture and counterculture movements of the 20th century. It aims to create a community of artists and readers that are hog-wild for the spirit and style of those freakishly unique decades. We love everything from the hardboiled crime novels of Jim Thompson, the art of Barbara Kruger and Judy Chicago, to the creative powerhouse that is Billy Childish. Contributions are welcomed from new and established authors who want to write like it’s 1978 – without self-censorship, without AI, and with the grit and guts to write authentically. Find out more about Power Cut.
Power Cut maintains a vintage aesthetic with a focus on 1930-1999. We’re looking for fiction, essays, and artwork that are set in, or imbue the ethos of this period. Give us the raw spontaneity of early punk rock combined with the storytelling genius of Kurt Vonnegut!
We are a print magazine and our mission is to promote the beauty and art in the paper page. Reading a physical copy of a magazine is so much more enjoyable than an online version and engages the reader in a deeper and more meaningful way.
Issue 1 is out now!!
A literary magazine with lashings of fun and humour. A read so thrilling it’s hypnotic! Why not head over to our shop and get yourself one of these cultural gems.
“Power Cut is a piece of art. The writing, eclectic, funny, serious and thought provoking. The 20th century focus and the punk posture makes it unique in a world of boring pop- lit sensibility.”